Annie Tickets Go on Sale
Tickets for our Performing Arts summer production of Annie the Musical go on sale from 10am on Friday 5th May.

Scarlett Sings her Way to a Distinction
Year 12 student, Scarlett S, has successfully passed her Grade 6 Rock and Pop Singing exam with Distinction!
Gold Award for Archie and Miley
Congratulations to Year 8 Archie and Year 7 Miley DW, who both passed their Gold Lifesavers Level 1,2,3 at the end of April.
CHS are South Cheshire Champs!
Congratulations to our Year 10 and Year 11 Football teams who both won their age group category in the South Cheshire Cup at the end of April.
Exam is No Drama for Year 13
Congratulations to the Year 13 A Level Drama students who completed their component 3 exam in front of a live audience and examiner at the end of April.
MFL Club World Tour Arrives in China
As part of their world tour of languages, our MFL CLub students enjoyed trying their hand at Mandarin number characters and Pinyin in April.

Conclusion of A Level Chemistry Practicals
Our Year 13 A Level Chemists carried out their final practical at the end of April and Dr Jones was once again really pleased with their work.

Edward's Hard Work Pays Off
Congratulations to Year 7 Edward P, who has successfully achieved his Grade 4 Piano exam.

Friendly Football Fun - Update
The new date for our Year 7 Inter-Form Football Tournament is Wednesday 3rd May (this has been moved from 26th April).
Exciting Times Ahead
Work has now begun on both of our new builds so we are well on the way to our brand new teaching block and new dining facility!

Industrial Action Plans
We have contacted parents and carers to let them know our plans for the forthcoming industrial action days.

A Rocky Reward for Year 9
In April our Year 9 students were rewarded with a day of rock climbing and abseiling in the Peak District.