Year 11's Growing Life Skills
As part of their ASDAN qualification, a group of our Year 11 students completed ten hours of work experience in May at The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church.

Lara Scoops Bronze in County Championships
Well done to our Year 7 student, Lara AG, who secured a Bronze medal in the Under 13 Girls 70m Hurdles at the Cheshire County Athletics Championship in May.

Zach Named RAFC Best Newcomer
Year 8 student, Zach T, was awarded Best Newcomer at the RAF 230 (Congleton) Squadron ATC awards dinner in April
New Recording and Computer Equipment for Performing Arts
We've welcomed delivery of a whole suite of recording and computer equipment for our Performing Arts department and students have been quick to master the new kit.
An Emotional Final Assembly for Year 13
It was our Sixth Form Year 13 students' final assembly on Friday 12th May and it proved to be an emotional occasion all round!.

Police Talk Helps Keep Students Safe
In May we were visited by a team from Cheshire Police who talked with students about the issues of anti-social behaviour and knife crime.

Students - Share Your Thoughts for Positive Change
Cheshire Youth Commission, working in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner, is asking our students to share their views on the Commission's key priorities for 2023.
Annie Cast get Inspiration
Our Annie casts visited the Regent Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent in May to watch Jodie Prenger as Miss Hannigan direct from the West End production of the musical.

Celebration Leavers' Assembly Planned for Year 13
We'll be holding a Leavers' Assembly for our Sixth Form Year 13 students on Friday 12th May before their Study Leave beginsĀ on Monday 15th May.

FREE Parent and Carer Seminars
We are working with study skills provider, Elevate, and Parents and Carers can take part in three free webinars to find out more about the programmes and also how they can help their own child at home.
7MHT Triumph at the Year 7 Inter-Form Tournament
Congratulations to 7MHT who were the winners of our Inter-Form Tournament in May.

Celebrate Success With Us
Success@CongletonHigh.com is our dedicated email address for stories about our students' wonderful achievements out of school.