Perfect Weather for our First Park Run
Wednesday 13th September was the perfect weather for our first CHS Park Run.

CHS Alumna, Emily, Now Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke
We were very proud to learn that CHS Alumna, Emily Hepting, is now a Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke Hospital.

Fern Wins Three British Titles in a week!
Year 10 student, Fern L, who managed to win three British Clay Pigeon Shooting Titles in a single week in August!

CHS Students Star in The Railway Children
We can't wait to see the Congleton Players' production of The Railway Children, featuring CHS students past and present.

Register for Elevate’s Free Parent/Carer Webinar Series This Term
Elevate Education are running a series of free webinars designed to help parents and carers support their child and reinforce the skills they are learning in school.

Congleton High Students Celebrate GCSE Success
There was a wonderful buzz in the main hall at Congleton High School on August 24th as students arrived to collect their Year 11 exam grades. Students, parents, carers and staff were delighted to gather together to celebrate the great results.

Triple A Megan Achieves Her Footballing Dream
Megan Beech achieved fantastic A*/A/A grades at A Level but couldn't attend results day as she was busy moving across the world to take up a place on degree course in the USA.

Kate Scores Place with Lewes FC
Kate Oakley has deferred her place to study Sport and Exercise Science at Brighton University to take up a contract with Lewes FC Women's team

Phoebe Takes Call from Football Star
After she collected her A Level results in August, Phoebe Jennings got the chance to chat with Gary Neville about her reasons for choosing to study at UA92.
Sixth Form Students’ Results Secure First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating a strong set of A Level results again this year, which have enabled the majority of the cohort to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment destinations.

Oscar's Personal Best Wins Him National Title
Oscar dV achieved a personal best time and first place in the 200m Butterfly final at the English National Championships in August.

Former Student, Will, Stars in Lowry Show
CHS Alumna, Will Bours, takes on the lead role in Innit, a Micky Dacks musical appearing at The Lowry in September.