Year 8 Cryptographers Attend Oxford Prizegiving
Our talented Year Cryptographers - Lauren W, Lydia H, Sophie C and Tilly B - travelled down to Oxford in March to collect their award and lots of prizes for winning the CyberFirst Girls Competition.
Year 7 Students Challenged to a Readathon for our First House Competition.
To coincide with World Book Day UK our first House competition was a Readathon for Year 7 students.

Encouraging a Love of Reading
Valentine's Day gave us the perfect opportunity to celebrate our love of books in the LRC.
Josh Takes on 3 Peaks Challenge for Charity
Deputy Head Student, Josh BP, will take on the 3 Peaks Challenge to raise funds to support a child through Air Cadets

Sixth Form English Students Enjoy Unique Production Of Hardy Classic
Our Sixth Form English Literature students enjoyed a unique 'circus skills' production of Hardy’s Tess of the D'Urbervilles in February.

Our MFL Club Presents: Una Viagem a Portugal
Our MFL Club Year 7 students enjoyed una viagem a Portugal (a trip to Portugal) in February.

National Careers Week at CHS
It's National Careers Week from 4th to 9th March and we'll be supporting all our students with their ongoing careers explorations.

Sixth Form Students Enjoy English Language Conference
In February, our Sixth Form English Language students attended an English Language conference to hear talks from a range of eminent linguists.
Ben Informs and Inspires Student Scientists
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has put together the first of a series of interesting and informative Science Bulletins.
Belle Represents CHS and Qualifies for National Championships
Year 8 Belle L represented CHS in the National Schools Equestrian Association Show Jumping Qualifier in February.
Olly Takes Taekwon-Do Bronze
Olly secured a bronze medal in the ITF England National Taekwon-Do Championships in February
Year 12 Biologists Change Congleton Weather
In order to measure plant transpiration, our Year 12 Biologists created some artificial weather conditions!