Although Covid had put paid to our plans for our annual Sixth Form Leavers Awards Evening this year, our fabulous students did not miss out, with fifty-four awards 'virtually' presented for effort and attainment and a further four students rewarded with our Special Awards.

Along with their A Level and BTEC certificates, each student was given a copy of the Awards Programme, a leaflet with reflections on the 'Class of 2020,' which also contained the names of all the curriculum and special awards winners for the year,

Mr Barlow introduced the programme, with his personal congratulations and positive message for the future:

"I want to congratulate you all for your fantastic results. In what was a most challenging time for you all, August was an important milestone as you finally got the recognition for the hard work you had put in during your time in the Sixth Form.

"Although we cannot celebrate together, we still want to recognise your achievements as a year group and as individuals. Curriculum Team Leaders and the Guidance Team have nominated students for some special awards which are listed in this leaflet.

"Moving forward, you are all now embarking on the next phase of your lives - entering a world where there is uncertainty, where a lot of you will probably end up securing jobs that have not even been created yet, but all of you with incredible talent and ability.

"As a year group you achieved superb results, of which the school and your parents are very proud and you should be too!

"Our role as teachers and leaders is to fully prepare you as best we can to be ready for life out in the world. Qualifications are obviously important, but equally so are all those other skills and experiences that you have acquired whilst being at Congleton High School, particularly over the last few months, such as adaptability, patience, resilience, self-initiative and developing positive relationships.

"The events of 2020 will be in the history books and talked about for many years to come. I know all of you will be stronger from your experiences and I wish you every success in the future."

Mr Franklin, Assistant Leader of Sixth Form and the year group's Guidance Team Leader and a great support, looked back over the group's two Sixth Form years:

"It has been my absolute pleasure being your Head of Year for the past two years and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching and supporting you since September 2018. They say time flies when you are having fun and this year group were intent on that! However, the important balancing   aspect is that there were many amongst you who simultaneously aspired greatly and worked hard to achieve your goals - both academically in school and outside school through your sports and interests. 

"I have been inspired by some of you and your determination to overcome personal challenges and willingness to step up to support others when asked to. You took your positions seriously whether it was being part of a brilliant Sixth Form Leadership Team and organising events like Children in Need, to performing in shows or competing at sport - you knew the commitment required and stepped up to the mark. Some of you took this effort to a whole new level with your dedication to your studies, your determination to overcome academic hurdles or with your ambition to become inspirational role models. Many of you who excelled in these areas have been recognised for this. 

"I always wanted to be someone that, in the short space of time that I had with you, helped to open your eyes to how you can inspire others with your actions. Many of you did that, both within Sixth Form but also within the main body of the school. You recognised your own journey and   realised that you can help others make positive choices and that showed an outstanding self-awareness. I knew that in Year 13 there would be a vast array of challenges ahead of you - academically, socially, physically, and emotionally - and if I could help you to manage these, then I had done my job.  Indeed, we could never imagine what difficulties there were to come but between Miss Boulton and I we helped overcome the obstacles and it heartens me to know that you were able to trust us to help you.

"I wish you all much success and happiness for the future."

Miss Boulton, Assistant Headteacher and Leader of Sixth Form, completed the tribute to the year group, including two sadly missed members of the cohort:

"This is the final time that we get to congratulate you on your achievements and contributions    towards school.  You have already gone on and started making friends, enjoying new experiences, and hopefully achieving more successes in this very strange and different world we now live in.   Who would have thought that when you started in Year 12, that Year 13 would end like it did – you will always hold a special place in my heart and in my memory as I recall the difficulties that you have faced but also how you have just got on with things by being you and supporting each other!!! 

"I hope that you will not forget who you were whilst you were at Congleton High School, and remember that who you were made you who you are now - you have overcome many hurdles, shared great sadness and enjoyed happy times but have done all of this together. I do not think that I have ever been more humbled or moved by the unity, empathy and friendship you share or more proud that we, at CHS, have been a part of the journey of so many amazing and wonderful people. You will not forget the difficult period you experienced and so you shouldn’t, but keep focusing on what is making you happy today and continue to be there for each other when times are more difficult. From me, Mr Franklin and everyone at Congleton High School, we offer our congratulations and genuinely wish you the very best for your future. Please keep in touch.

"We would also like to take this opportunity to remember the beautiful, caring and talented Gee Ogden and Lucy Minshull. They will both always have a special place in all our hearts."   

The following students were awarded for their outstanding effort and attainment in Sixth Form:


Megan Granville/ Lorien Wheatley


Louis Andrews/ Meera Shanati


Abigail Maddison/ Elijah Peacey


Seth Randall/ Daisy Tranter

Child Developmt

Lauren Eaton/ Mia Millward


Millie Beard/ William Bours


Regan Mawby/ Alice Picken

English Language

Elliot Benke/ Elijah Peacey

English Literature

Gabrielle Pickin/ Amy Rafferty

Food Science

Racheal Bailey/ Eleanor Hesse

Further Maths

Alexander Lehm/ Daisy Tranter


Lara Nuttall/ Max Wrench

Health & Soc Care

Mia Millward/ Chloe Wiliams


Elliot Benke/ Gabrielle Pickin


Jake Booth/ Alexander Lehm


Max Hughes/ Amy Rafferty


Eleanor Graham/ Seth Randall


William Bours/ Rebecca Brady

PE Foun Dip

Olivia Hilton/ Ellie Shaw

PE Nat Dip

Elayna Proudmore-Callear/ Meera Shanati


Ebony Brown


Alexander Lehm/ Alice Picken


Adam Harding/ Evan Stanway

Product Design

Eleanor Hesse/ Elijah Peacey


Maisie Beauchamp/ Lara Nuttall/Kodi Stahl

Public Services

Dylan Massey/ Jessica Radford


Maisie Beauchamp/ Holly Whiteside

In addition to the Curriculum prizes, four students were also rewarded with the school's Special Awards:

The Martin Strawson Award for Outstanding Achievement was awarded to Alexander Lehm.

The Award for Personal Academic Achievement was awarded to Daisy Tranter

The Governors' Award was awarded to Kodi Stahl

The Award for Outstanding Contrinution to School Life was won by Lara Nuttall

All the students who completed their A Level courses in 2020 were invited to come in to school to collect their certificates and Awards leaflet (plus Curriculum/Special Awards if applicable) from the Main Hall on either Monday 14th December or Tuesday 15th December any time between 3.15pm and 4.00pm. 

Students may nominate another person to collect their certificates. Please email Mrs Ball in the Exams Office with the details of their proxy. (ID will be required when collecting) 

If you missed the collection days, you may still collect your certificates. Please email Mrs Ball ( to arrange for collection.

All visitors MUST wear a face mask whilst on the school site.