Although we were unable to hold our annual GCSE Awards Evening this year, our students did not miss out, with sixty two awards 'virtually' presented for effort and attainment and a further four students rewarded with our Special Awards.

Along with their GCSE certificates, each student was given a copy of the Awards Programme, a leaflet with reflections on the 'Class of 2020,' which also contained the names of all the curriculum and special awards winners for the year,

Mr Barlow introduced the programme, with his personal congratulations and positive message for the future:

"I want to congratulate you all for your fantastic GCSE results. In what was a most challenging time for you all, August was an important milestone as you finally got the recognition for the hard work you had put in over the last 5 years.

"Although we cannot celebrate together, we still want to recognise your achievements as a year group and as individuals. Curriculum Team Leaders and the Guidance Team have nominated students for some special awards which are listed in this leaflet.

"Moving forward, you are all now embarking on the next phase of your education - entering a world where there is uncertainty, where a lot of you will probably end up   securing jobs that have not even been created yet, but all of you with incredible talent and ability.

"As a year group you achieved superb results of which the school and your parents are very proud of and you should be too!

"Our role as teachers and leaders is to fully prepare you as best as we can to be ready for life out in the world. Qualifications are obviously important, but equally so are all those other skills and experiences that you have acquired whilst being at Congleton High School, particularly over the last few months, such as adaptability, patience, resilience self-initiative and developing positive relationships.

"The events of 2020 will be in the history books and talked about for many years to come. I know all of you will be stronger from your experiences and I wish you every success in the future."

Miss Blundred, the year group's Guidance Team Leader for their final three years looked back over the group's time with Congleton High School:

"I feel very fortunate to have been your Head of Year for the last three years. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow throughout those years. It has sometimes been a difficult journey along the way but, nevertheless, one I feel very proud to have taken with you all. 

"I have always been your biggest champion. Right from the start, I saw your wonderful potential and how considerate you all were towards each other. We gelled quickly as a group and remained a team right the way through to the end of Year 11. It was such a shame that things ended as they did. Pulling together a Leavers’ Assembly for you in March was something that no one could have predicted. We did manage something nice in all of that chaos. I will never forget the lovely atmosphere of that assembly. Having the phone lights shining whilst the boys did their performance was fantastic and really showed how we managed to create something good in such a difficult time.

"One of the biggest highlights for me over the years were our Praise Assemblies. Getting the chance to celebrate all of your successes with you was fantastic. There is such huge talent, ambition and consideration amongst you all. Your teachers clearly thought so much of you with all of the lovely messages and awards that I had the honour of       presenting. I hope that you continue to find the time to reflect on how far you have come. Too often we do not take the time to recognise our achievements, instead     spending time thinking about the next thing we need to move on to. Focusing on your future goals is of course really important but also take time to remember what you have conquered along the way. I hope that the results you have achieved in your GCSEs are things you can be proud of.

"My one wish for you all as you go through your wonderful and fulfilling lives, is for you to never have any regrets. Take as many opportunities as you can. It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried, you can rest easy knowing you gave it a go.

"From everyone at Congleton High School we are extremely proud of your achievements. We wish you well and hope that you feel prepared for the challenges that will come your way. You have already overcome one of the biggest challenges imaginable!"

The following students were rewarded for their outstanding effort and achievement in their subject areas:     


Kelly Bowyer/ Eowyn Ennis


James Parkin / Madison Rushton


Oliver Jennings / Ellie Tierney


Catherine de Takats/ Joshua Pettengell

Child Play, L & D

Ashleigh Buckley-Hughes/ Laura Pass

Combined Science

Chloe Anderson/ Dylan Pugh

Computer Science

Libby Trueman / Joshua Vaughan

Creative iMedia

Yarhooly Downes/ Kira Mawby/ Shana Mottram

Design & Tech

Hazel Ward/ James West


Sian Coward/ Daisy Radulovic


Ewan Cover/  Sofia Micolis

English Lang

Jack Buxton/ Catherine de Takats/
Finn Stratford/ Logan Wallace / Joshua Williams

English Lit

Reve Clowes-Michael/ Eowyn Ennis/
Eloise Grice/ Grace Moore


Sofia Miccolis/ Daisy Ravulovic

Further Maths

James Parkin/ Libby Trueman


Lucy Brightwell/ Eloise Grice

Health & Social Care

Emelia Noakes/ Alicia Snape


Sian Coward/ Sofia Miccolis


Archie Couchman/ Zara Eardley/
Bartholomew Eckersley/ Thomas Mitchell


Mia Brady/ Stephen Davis


Zara Eardley/ Emelia Noakes


Hannah Taylor/ Leah Sanderson


Lewis Charlesworth/ Jacob Tyrrell 


Abigail Douce/ Daisy Radulovic


Jodi Moore/ Robert Robinson


Zara Eardley/ Libby Trueman

Sports Studies

Olivier Rassekh/ Joshua Williams

In addition to the Curriculum prizes, six students were nominated to win two of our Special Awards.

The Stacey Marsh 'Inspiration' Award, named in honour of a former CHS student, was awarded to Samuel Hardy and Kai Smith.

The Award for Outstanding Contrinution to School Life was won by Zara Eardley and Deema Shanati.

All the students who completed their GCSE courses in 2020 and no longer attending CHS are invited to come in to school to collect their certificates and Awards leaflet (plus Curriculum/Special Awards if applicable) from the Main Hall on either Monday 14th December or Tuesday 15th December any time between 3.15pm and 4.00pm. All visitors MUST wear a face mask whilst on the school site.

Students may nominate another person to collect their certificates but must email Mrs Ball in the Exams Office with the details of their proxy. (ID will be required when collecting)

Any students currently studying in the Sixth Form at CHS may collect their certificates at any time until Friday 11th December from the Exams Office.

If you have missed the above collections days, please contact Mrs Ball ( to arrange for collection.

{gallery-slideshow:GCSE Students Rewarded for Effort and Attainment