Image of Year 7's Guess the Employers Event
2 February 2023

Year 7's Guess the Employers Event

In February, our Careers team ran a 'Guess the Employer' event for our Year 7 students, challenging them to ask questions to establish each guest's job role and company.

Image of Students STOP to think
1 February 2023

Students STOP to think

Students took part in a PSHE STOP Morning at the beginning of February and enjoyed a variety of presentations from external expert speakers and CHS staff.

Image of Isaac Receives Oxford University Offer
1 February 2023

Isaac Receives Oxford University Offer

Congratulations to our Deputy Head Student, Isaac C, who has received an offer from Oxford University to read Maths

Image of Outstanding Sixth Form Netball Team Victory
1 February 2023

Outstanding Sixth Form Netball Team Victory

A fantastic 51-1 result for our Sixth Form Netball team in their match with Manchester College.

Image of Olly Reaches Championship Quarter Finals
31 January 2023

Olly Reaches Championship Quarter Finals

Olly P made it all the way to the quarter finals of the Open Dutch Taekwon-do Championships in Helmand

Image of Students Help the RSPB Count Birds
31 January 2023

Students Help the RSPB Count Birds

We’re taking part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch, part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, in February, helping to record bird numbers in the UK.

Image of Louis Helps Prevent Flooding Disaster for his Neighbours
31 January 2023

Louis Helps Prevent Flooding Disaster for his Neighbours

In January, Year 11 Louis K's thoughtfulness helped to prevent his neighbours' homes from flooding.

Image of Braving the Weather for the Bugs
31 January 2023

Braving the Weather for the Bugs

Our Eco Club students braved the January weather to collect materials for their Bug Hotels.

Image of Netball Triumph for U13 Team
30 January 2023

Netball Triumph for U13 Team

Congratulations to our under 13s team - a 26-4 triumph in the Sisters nSport competition.

Image of Eco Club will make School Spaces Greener and Cleaner Places
18 January 2023

Eco Club will make School Spaces Greener and Cleaner Places

All students are invited to join our new Eco Club, which will run every Tuesday from 3-4pm.

Image of Valentine's Event for our Year 7 and Year 8 Students
16 January 2023

Valentine's Event for our Year 7 and Year 8 Students

Our Year 7 and Year 8 students will be able to enjoy a Valentine's disco in February

Image of Calling all Student and Staff Swimmers
16 January 2023

Calling all Student and Staff Swimmers

We're looking for students and staff to make up teams to take part in the Congleton Rotary Swimathon in March.