CHS Supporting Children in Need
Miley's Confidence Builds with Kick-Boxing Belt Success
Year 8 student, Miley DW, passed her Red Belt (first belt) in kick-boxing November.
Calling the Year 11 Class of 2022-23
Our GCSE Awards Evening will be held at CHS on Wednesday 29th November from 6-7:30pm.
Harrison Sums Up Scholarly Excellence
Year 11 Harrison W has consistently demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in Maths this year.
Year 7 Scientists demonstrate Excellence, Curiosity and Courage
Year 7 completed their first dissection in November to help with their understanding of the Human Body topic.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November

William Volunteers with Royal British Legion
Year 7 student, William AS, raised around £600 selling poppies over the Remembrance weekend.

Plane Sailing for Key Stage 3 Scientists
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students tested their own paper plane designs in November

Year 9 Scientists Metal Investigations
Our Year 9 Scientists have made a great start on their new Metals topic.

Save the Date for our Christmas Market!
The CHS Christmas Market is back from 4-6pm on Friday 1st December

Head Students Represent CHS at Town Remembrance Service
Our Head Students and Deputy Head Students represented CHS students and staff at the town Remembrance service in November.
Josh was Squadron Banner Bearer
Year 13 Deputy Head Student, Joshua BP, was the banner bearer for the 230 Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets at the town Remembrance Service.