United Utilities Work - Traffic Delays Warning
From January 22nd, United Utilities will be undertaking work running from Newcastle Road to Holmes Chapel Road which may affect students' journeys from/to school.

PE Extracurricular Timetable has Lots to Offer
Our latest PE extracurricular timetable has lots on offer for students this half term

Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices
Year 9 students and their parents/carers have been invited to join us for our Options Evening from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 11th January to find out more about selecting GCSE/BTEC Options for study in Years 10 and 11.

Students Delighted with High School Musical Announcement
High School Musical has been revealed as the CHS 2024 summer production and students have been invited to audition for main cast and support roles.
CHS Celebrates Christmas
Staff and students enjoyed a wonderful last day of term, celebrating in style together.
Our December Newsletter is Out Now
Read all about our busy half-term in the December newsletter.

Zachary's Guess Wins the Prize!
Year 7 Zachary J made the winning guess in our Christmas LRC Competition to guess the total number of pages in the book snowman.
Students and Staff Raise over £230 with their Christmas Jumpers
Students and staff sported a wonderful array of festive items on Christmas Jumper Day and raised an incredible £230.68 for Save the Children.
Celebrating the Rewards of Seven Great Years at CHS
We were very proud to be able to celebrate our Year 13 Class of 2022-23's seven great years at CHS at our Sixth Form Awards Evening.

Recognising and Rewarding Excellence
Just before Christmas we held Recognition Assemblies for all our year groups, celebrating students' great achievements throughout the autumn term.

GCSE German Students get a Taste of Germany in Manchester
Our GCSE German students were able to get a taste of German Christmas Markets when they visited the Christmas Markets in Manchester in December.
Harry Demonstrates Courage, Ambition and Scholarly Excellence
English teacher, Mrs Jakobsen, was delighted with the writing assessment results from her Year 8 class, particularly the work by Harry F.