Year 13 Drama Students Perform for Examiners, Family and Friends
Our Year 13 Drama students completed their scripted exams to an examiner and an audience of friends and family in April .

Year 10 Scientists Learn About Irradiation
Our Year 10 Scientists have been learning all about irradiation including the safety wear required!

Year 12 Chemists Learn More About Aspirin
In their lessons, our Year 12 Chemists have been learning about Aspirin - it's history and how it is made.

High School Musical Tickets on Sale in May
Rehearsals are well under way for our Summer production of High School Musical.
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunches
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunch talent shows proved just how much talent we have on our wonderful school community.
Community Champion Vouchers from Morrisons
We were delighted to receive £30 of vouchers from Morrisons Congleton for being Community Champion.
MFL Club Classroom Tourists Arrive in Germany
In their first meeting after the Easter break, our MFL Club classroom tourists learned about all things German!

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.

South Cheshire Champions!
Congratulations to our winning Year 7 and year 9 Football teams at the South Cheshire Cup Finals in April.
Over 100 Entries for Spring in a Frame Photography Competition
We've had over 100 photographs submitted for our Spring in a Frame Competition and the shortlisted images will be on show at our Exhibition and Awards on Wednesday 22nd May.

Scarlett's Singing Merits a Great Grade!
Year 13 student, Scarlett S, passed her Trinity Grade 8 Singing with Merit in April
New and Old Favourite Sports on Offer this Half-Term
Our PE Faculty is offering a range of new and old-favourite extracurricular sports along with GCSE support activities this half-term