We have extensively gritted the site however we are aware that overnight temperatures are set to be much lower again, which may present us with some challenges tomorrow (Thursday 9th January).

We want to be able to support families with planning so we have made the following decision to manage safety at site in the morning:


  1. At this time we intend to open to all students.

  2. Students who catch school buses should attend as normal. Students should access site via the double blue gates and go straight to the hall where you will be greeted by staff.

  3. All other students should arrive at school at 9.30 am. Please access school via the double blue gates as this is the shortest route into the main building. Students should go straight to their form room.

We ask that no families arrive early as we need to manage the buses on and off site safely. The Bus park is out of use so the buses will access via the main entrance. Staggering the start will help with road safety on box lane as buses arrive and ensuring students enter safely.


Students who take school buses will leave site at 2.30pm again to allow us to safely stagger exits at the end of the day. We ask that families do not try to access the site with cars between 2.30 and 3.05pm.

All other students will be dismissed as usual at 3.10pm. Please do take extra care when driving to / onto the site.


A risk assessment will be undertaken in the morning and we will review staffing capacity as part of this as a number of staff drive in from remote / rural areas. We will inform you by 7.45am tomorrow morning if there is any change to these arrangements.


If we are unable to open fully we will aim to partially open to a number of year groups e.g. Year 7,11 and 13 with remote learning provided for any not on site. This will be communicated to you by 7.45am tomorrow morning (Thursday 9th January).


Many thanks for your continued support.