The Congleton High School team were delighted to welcome Year 11 students in to school on Thursday 12th August to celebrate not just a fabulous set of exam results, but also the way that students, families and the school have successfully worked together to overcome the challenges of the last eighteen months. Headteacher, Mr Barlow, and his team have been both impressed and inspired by the resilience and determination of these students. The majority have achieved and surpassed the results they need to progress on to their chosen pathway and are excited to start the next chapter of their life.

Congleton High headteacher, Mr Jim Barlow, commented:

“I was thrilled to be able to greet our Year 11 students on Results Day with such a great set of results. These results are testament to two years of hard work by these students but, more than that, it is a clear demonstration of how they have successfully navigated their way through uncertainty, disruptions and truly unprecedented circumstances.

“Across lockdowns and periods of isolation, our teaching and support staff alike have worked tirelessly to ensure support for students, both academically and emotionally and maintain our expected high levels of education. I would also like to pay tribute to the parents, carers and families of our students for their own exceptional level of support for both our students and the school throughout these challenging months. The ability for students, home and school to work together as a single team has really helped us to achieve far more than we could have done alone.

“Throughout their GCSE courses, the teachers have worked with these students, and are fully aware of what each is capable. In order to produce the required Teacher Assessed Grades, the team worked professionally and with great integrity to ensure that each student was awarded results based on their consistent, overall performance, that truly reflect their hard work over the last two years.

“I am very proud of all our students and particularly delighted that a record number have chosen to stay with us and continue their learning journey with our Sixth Form team. I look forward to welcoming them all back to Congleton High School in September and wish all of our Year 11 students, whatever their next step, every success for the future and hope they enjoy the rest of summer!”