CHS Rotary Young Photographer Competition Winners
Congratulation to our two students who won awards in the Congleton Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

Year 7 Artists Gain Inspiration from Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Our Year 7 Artists visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June.

Our Spring in a Frame Photography Winners
Year 7 Freddie L and Year 9 Jess D were the winners of our Spring in a Frame photography competition.

Join Us for our Spring in a Frame Exhibition
Families can join us from 3:20pm on Wednesday 22nd May for our Spring in a Frame Photography Exhibition and Awards.
Over 100 Entries for Spring in a Frame Photography Competition
We've had over 100 photographs submitted for our Spring in a Frame Competition and the shortlisted images will be on show at our Exhibition and Awards on Wednesday 22nd May.

Celebrating our High Flying Key Stage 3 Artists
Our KS3 Art Exhibition was the perfect opportunity to share the high flying talent of CHS artists with our community.

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.

Key Stage 3 Hot Air Balloon Art Exhibition
We will be exhibiting a display of KS3 students' artwork in the Main Hall on Thursday 14th March
Year 10 Rotary Young Photographer Winners
Three of our Year 10 students were awarded prizes in the Rotary Young Photographer Competition.
Year 9's Big Arts Day
In December, our Year 9 students spent a full day exploring their creativity and produced some amazing artworks as a result

A Winning Design for a Christmas Card
Well done to the overall winner of our 2023 Christmas Card Competition, Year 9 Mia T.
Join us to Celebrate Year 9's Big Art Skills!
We'll be holding an exhibition of all the artworks created during our Year 9 Big Arts Day and families are invited to join us to celebrate all the wonderful talent at CHS.
MFL Club Students Create their own Mona Lisas
Our MFL club students tried drawing like Da Vinci as part of their studies of the Italian language and culture.

Breakfast with the Head for Competition Winners
Another group of students, including the winners of our Christmas Card competition enjoyed a lovely breakfast with the Head on Friday 24th November.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November

Year 7's Monster After School Art Activities
Our Year 7 Art Club students created great Monster drawings for Halloween.

A Minibeast Treat for Visitors to Science
We have a wonderful display in our Science faculty of Bugs created by Key Stage 3 Artists.

Key Stage 3 Art Talent on Show
Once again there was a wonderful array of artworks on show at our Key Stage 3 Art Exhibition in July.

Still Time to Capture the Winning Photo
There's still time to send in your wonderful wildlife photos for our competition before the Friday 14th April closing date.

Allyssa and Maddison's Stunning City Shots
Year 10 students, Allyssa and Maddison, submitted photographs from their Art trip to Liverpool to the the Rotary Young Photographer Competition
City Shots Boost GCSE and A Level Portfolios
A trip to Liverpool provided our GCSE and A Level Photography students with some great images for their portfolios.
Turtle Mural Highlights Threat from Plastic Waste
Our latest CHS mural is a turtle, created to raise awareness of the threat to marine life from plastic waste.

CHS Hosts Congleton Children's Wildlife Competition Exhibition
CHS will host the Spring in a Frame 2022 Photography Competition Exhibition on May 18, and visitors will be able to enjoy all the wonderful images submitted by CHS and Eaton Bank students and primary school pupils from Congleton and surrounding areas.

Future Dreaming Art Exhibition
Our Spring Term Key Stage 3 Future Dreams Art competition and exhibition reminded us once again of the exceptionally high level of talent we have here at CHS.